At the time, I treasured those words. But as life unfolded, I realised that living out the truth of Romans 8:28 isn’t always as simple as it sounds. Sometimes, when we’re walking through painful moments or navigating circumstances that feel overwhelming, it’s hard to see how God could bring good from what we’re experiencing. This verse can feel like a platitude when we’re in the thick of sorrow or confusion. But when we truly lean into the promise it holds, we discover something life-changing.
Romans 8:28 invites us to shift our perspective. Instead of seeing our struggles as roadblocks, it challenges us to view them as stepping stones in a bigger journey. Life can be messy, unpredictable, and even heartbreaking, but this verse reminds us that God is never absent. He is working in the background, orchestrating a plan far greater than we can imagine. When we embrace this truth, we can find purpose in the pain and hope in the hardship. It’s not about pretending everything is fine but about trusting that even when things feel broken, God is crafting something beautiful.
What would happen if, instead of asking “Why me?”, we started asking “What now, God?” That shift—choosing to believe that every moment has a purpose—can radically change how we face life’s challenges. It allows us to move forward with courage, knowing that even in the hardest seasons, we are being shaped for something extraordinary.
This doesn’t mean God orchestrates every hardship we face or delights in our suffering. But it does mean that nothing is wasted in His hands. Every broken piece of our story, every heartache and disappointment, becomes part of a beautiful mosaic of redemption. God is constantly shaping us, refining us, and using our circumstances to draw us closer to Him and reveal His purposes.
What I find most comforting about this verse is that it doesn’t promise an easy or pain-free life. It doesn’t guarantee that everything will work out the way we think it should. Instead, it promises that God is present in everything. He is with us in the highs and lows, in the victories and the valleys, weaving our experiences into a greater story—His story.
If you’re in a season of waiting, wondering, or even wrestling with God, let Romans 8:28 remind you of this truth: God is for you. He is with you. And He is working, even when you can’t yet see the full picture. As you trust Him, step by step, you’ll find that His goodness and faithfulness show up in ways that leave you awestruck. And, in the end, you’ll see how He’s used it all—not just for your good, but for His glory.